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Pulling Weeds

      Do you ever wonder what a garden would be like without having to pull all the weeds? It sure would be nice to be able to just enjoy the flowers. Unfortunately, those sneaky little weeds pop up in various places. You can pour mulch cover them, lay rocks on top of them, or even cover them with dirt, but if we do not kill the weeds they will always come back.
      I like to compare weeds to  those sneaky little sins that pop up in our every day life.  Every time I bend down to pull one out, it reminds me of how Jesus died to take away the sins.   No matter how big or small they may be, Jesus' blood will cover them every time, if we only ask.  However, if we do not stop the sins that we are committing, eventually they will tell who we are.  They will pop up when we least expect because we fail to weed them out on a daily basis.
       There are different names of weeds, different sizes of weeds, and different ways that they kills our beautiful plants or flowers. The weeds do not care which flowers or plants they kill because that is how they eat and grow themselves, by eating the pretty flowers.  Death is no respecter of persons and does not care who it attacks, eventually it will come to all of us.  What matters most of all is how we deal with the temptation that comes before us.
        All weeds are not ugly, some weeds are actually very pretty. A thistle for instance can be pretty, but if we touch the little prickly needs, they hurt very badly.  Temptation is not some red devil with a pitch fork, it comes by the way of the most beautiful things that life could ever offer.  Sometimes trials come our way to help us learn different life situations.  Sometimes trials come because we were not paying attention the task at hand. Whatever the reason, we need to learn the difference and try to be more alert to the problem we faced and develop a new plan to avoid them next time.
       Weeds and Temptation both serve the same purpose, to destroy us or what we have created.  Sin will hurt us in the end so we need to be very watchful and learn how to pull it out of our lives so they will not grow anymore.  The best way to avoid temptation is to keep a mental note of what discourages us or what keeps us from reaching our little goals that we set each day.  Always remember though,  learning how to avoid the sin is totally up to us.


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