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Gluten Free Me!

       Lately I have been trying a new diet.  A diet that has really helped me in the last few months.  It is really popular so I decided to give the gluten free diet a try.  At first there was no concern for me being allergic to gluten, but I thought that it was not a bad choice to include a more healthy diet. For me there is no substitute for home made bread, well any kind of bread is so delicious so it was difficult for me to give up, but it is definitely worth the effort. I have been getting compliments on how clear my face has been, my fatigue has lessened and I feel so much better during the day.
      I do not write this article because it is popular topic, I write this post because cutting down on my gluten has really been a help to me and I want to encourage others to try the diet as well.  My syndrome effects my learning process and I believe that the diet has helped clear my brain fog a little. Now it is no miracle diet by any means, but my overall health has improved and am very thankful for that.  It disturbs me however, that, no one ever linked my food habits to my learning or my acne.  I am thankful for the medication that I received but knowing about this diet earlier could have cut down on alot of the redness on my face. At least I know now how to keep my face clear and will try to be doing that in the future.
       Gluten effects people in different ways.  There are some people who can not even eat gluten free products that were cooked in the same pot as regular wheat.  Then there are some people who can tolerate a certain amount of bread without suffering painful consequences.  I am allergic to bread but am able to eat it without going to the hospital.  Only some stomach pains and a few acne, to which I am thankful.  I hope I can encourage someone else to try and eat a healthier diet by writing this post. t
       Lots of people may not believe that I am intolerant to wheat because I have eaten it all my life, but we did not realize how gluten was effecting my health as a whole.  I love my bread and and feel very blessed that I can tolerate some because that food item has always been a part of my meal.  However with the positive results I am getting from not eating bread quite so often.  I am learning how to fry foods with gluten free flour and hope to continue cooking like that.
        Hope this blog post has helped you understand how I have dealt with changing my diet, it has been a difficult path to follow but am pleased with the results I am receiving.  Nothing will ever change the taste of regular bread or instant oatmeal.  Nothing will ever change the taste of a nice fast food hamburger.  I am still able to eat them, but am conscious about how many I eat.  I try to only eat those foods as a reward for eating healthy. Again, this diet has really helped me and feel blessed to be able to write this article.   



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