Sometimes it is easy to let our thoughts go wild. Our mind is like a playground to the Devil. If we let Him, he will rule our thoughts. Our thoughts must be under control at all times. Everyone has their own way of dealing with these "racing thoughts," as some call them. These racing thoughts make you feel so tired when we let them loose. Which brings me to the central question, " Do you ever feel like your thoughts are going to eat you? Well, do you? What do you do about the situation?
Do you go walking, or pick up a good book to read, or put on a good song? What helps you to centralize your thoughts when they go crazy? Am I the only one that ever has a bad day?
If we do not control our thoughts they eventually will eat us because whatever is in our hearts will eventually come out our mouths. The tongue is something that is very difficult to keep under control to begin with, so we must keep our thoughts at all times. For me walking is the a best therapy to ease my poor little busy mind. It will keep on going if I do not let it rest and focus on the good things of life. Positivity is key when you have goals to reach. Do not let anyone tell say you can not catch your dreams if you know it is within arms reach.
There is however, a difference in dreaming and reality. We must not let our minds focus on merely just the dreams because they only exist in our minds. Reality is something we face on an every day basis so that must be the first question we ask ourselves. These "racing thoughts" must be overcome with some tender loving care and we must be the ones to take the first step After determine whether the goal is reachable or not, we must decide what triggers these negative thoughts to kick in and destroy our positivity!
For some, these thoughts come as a thief in the night, out of nowhere because we have fear or worry that builds up over time. Digging down to the root of the problem is a terrible process but must be done. The Devil knows how to wear us down and He will use any tool to try to get us where He wants us. We must always remember that God has already won the war and there is nothing that the ole Devil can really do.
So I am really trying to focus on things I can do well and things that give praise to God. There will always be trials and temptations, but it is up to us to overcome them. Keeping our minds busy is always one thing that we can do to keep the Devil away. That is the most important thing that we can do. Thinking on things above is what God commanded us to do cause He knew that each one of us would have our own special tasks. #22q#beblessed#giveGodglory
Phillipians 4:8
Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.
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