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Exercise for thought

 Walking is a free exercise that we can do anytime of the day.  If you are like me you do not like paying a gym to be able to walk on a treadmill or use their equipment.  I'd rather take a few hours and walk and pick a track nearby.  I also like to walk with video instructors in the comfort of my own home.  Sometimes there are even free exercise classes that you can take at a library or local church.  Just check around and see what you can find.  Whatever you choose to do, whether in a gym or at the park, exercising is very, very important
     If there is not a free exercise program in your area, maybe it would be a good idea to get certified and be the first one to start a free exercise program. Going to the gym and working out is very popular right now and having an exercise program through a local church mite be a good ministry to the community. 
    Bodily exercise is not the only exercise that is important, we need spiritual exercise as well.  We need to exercise our minds spiritually as an escape from the world and its trouble.  Having piece of mind once in a while is crucial to having a steady pace in life. Exercise is a good way to relieve some of that stress built up in our minds. 
    Exercise is difficult to fit in our lives, but we must keep active so that we will not ruin our bodies.  Our blood needs a way to circulate all over our bodies.  We need the oxygen and the way to do that is get up from our computer or tv and go outside and walk a few laps just to say we got out of the house.
    It is so easy to just sit around and mope all day long, but God did not intend for us to be sad.  Exercise helps me to focus on the positive.  Sometimes it is hard when you are fatigued or have a chronic illness, but we need to get out and enjoy the clear, pretty air in order to reflect on what all God has given us.        #22q#autismspectrumdisorder#beblessed



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