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Walking on Rocks

     Did you ever wonder how some people really get any good sleep at night? I just imagine them tossing an turning trying to think up of ways to haunt you. Those kind of people are out there.  They are real and they will not stop till they think you are hurt.  It is sad but true.  We just have to keep going and realize that they are only hurting themselves.  Words will hurt you and have hurt me very, very much.  People whom I have thought were good Christian people have said rude, negative things out of the way to me.  It hurts!  We really do have to watch what we say because some people are more sensitive than others.
     You know, keeping up with this blog challenge during the month of May has really helped me put my own thoughts in perspective.  I have been more in touch with my surroundings and I have  more confidence to keep my daily chores under control  It is hard when you stay fatigued.  Being fatigue though, is one reason I decided to create this blog.  It is really difficult for me to get to sleep some nights, well, most nights.  It is beginning to wear me out mentally and physically, but God gives me the strength to keep going because I know that there are others just like me. I feel better about not being able to sleep and several other ailments that I have. I am sure they are malfunctioning cause I can not get good sleep.
     Sleep is the most important thing there is to help rejuvenate the body.  God commanded us to rest on the Sabbath Day and to keep it Holy.  Sleep in particular helps us bodies as a whole have more energy.  I have always heard it said that we should turn off all electronics at least an hour before bed so our minds will have time to wind down before we actually go to sleep.  Sometimes I try to make myself sleep, but my joints hurt so bad that it is difficult to focus on anything else.  You see, invisible illnesses are just as painful and depressing as the physical ones are.
     Some people say that if you can not see an illness on the surface than you really are not sick at all.  However, in many situations, that is not the case.  Just by looking at me, you would not think that I have been through all the trials that I have, but that does not mean that I can do everything anyone else can.  I get tired very easily but it is not because I am lazy, it is because I have a poor immune system.  When a person has to deal with a poor immune system it is like walking on rocks.  Some days you feel better than others. I have been doing everything that I can to keep my body healthy and energized.
       I can not say enough about how important it is to get your beauty sleep.  However, I do not mean sleep all day" either! That is another topic and another place!  It is up to us to take care of our bodies, because no one else will ever do it for us.  There will be help at times, but we need to be able to ta
ke care of ourselves in the best way possible so our loved ones will not always be walking on rocks.

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