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Beautification Project- Operation Me"

      Did you ever do any landscaping in your yard?  How did it feel when you got that project finished? Of Course ! You had a feeling of completion, the satisfaction of a job well done.  Well, that is the way our Christian walk in life should feel like also.  There is a feeling of satisfaction upon completing a new task or new goal, an awesome kind of feeling comes over us and we want to tell everyone.  When we complete a goal in our Christian life, that same feeling comes over us and we get all excited.  We want to tell everyone who passes by about what God has done for us.
       Well, that is the way it should be anyway.  We need to be able to be in a place to let our little line shine for all to see.  There is nothing more rewarding than helping someone else reach their goal, but first we need to make sure the needle is out of our own eyes.  We will never be able to guide someone else if we do not trim around our own hedges and every shrub is trimmed properly.  People watch us every single day whether we want to realize it or not.  We are the only Bibles some will ever read.  It is up to us to make sure our backyard looks pretty so people will see Jesus in us.
        Sometimes we want to get ahead and play the "judge" when it is not even our place to do so.  No one has the right to tell anyone else how to live.  We do not know what goes on in their lives and can not see in their souls.  We have to be the ones to let our light shine bright enough so they will want to read God's Word.  We need to make sure every weed is killed and every piece of grass meets the other one.   No one has a perfect yard and no one has the perfect life.  We must strive to meet that goal as much as possible. 
        Living a Christian life is not easy but God is always there for us and will lead us away from temptation.  In other words, those little knit picky people irritate me sometimes.  Every thing has to be in its own little place.  Now do not get me wrong, I have to be organized myself, but when it comes to worshipping God we should be able to feel free.  In order to do that, every thing should be in its place and needs to be in its place.  That is the only way we will be able to have the rewarding feeling when we go to God's house.  He wants us to be free but we need to take care of our own gardens so we can be free.
         Cleaning and grooming a garden takes time but is well worth the effort when it is completed.  To me taking care of the plants is therapy.  That is the way we should consider reading God's word as therapy and as comfort.  If we can get to that place then others will be able to see God in our lives without us giving out some kind or orders or rules to live by.  Just like taking care of a beautiful garden, reading God's Word is difficult and can be time consuming.  However, in the end, it is worth the extra TLC.  #22q#beblessed#God'sWord#lampuntomyfeet


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