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History Reapeats Itself--

  It has been said many times over and over again that "history repeats itself." It gets old reminding myself that it is okay to make mistakes  It really is okay to make mistakes but it is very important that we learn from our mistakes.  It is true that history does repeat itself but we do not have to purposely keep repeating those same mistakes.  Let us break down the thoughts into little pieces for a minute and you will see what I mean.  When we make mistakes other people see the way we handle them.  We do not need to get upset or mad when we make mistakes because everyone has done something wrong in their lives.
     God understands that we are human as well as He understood Adam and Eve were human. God knew that Adam and Even had fallen short but He wanted them to be the ones to confess.  That is what He wants us to do, be able to confess our faults and take responsibility for our own actions.  No one is exempt from temptation and no one is strong enough to fight the Devil by ourselves. We must learn to take baby steps when achieving our goals.  It is even more frustrating to reach those goals when you have a syndrome, but with God, nothing is impossible.
     I research every day about 22q and learn something new every time.  I am so thankful that my symptoms were very mild and now consider the syndrome as a gift.  When you learn later in life that you have a syndrome whether it be 22q or some other illness it can be difficult to comprehend why God would give something like this to one of His children.  However, I have to be careful that I do not blame God because He wants me to live and be successful.  I have to make small goals and try to accomplish each one I come to because I can do anything that anyone else can just with a different strategy.  I have to keep reminding myself of that so the Devil will not keep me in the past.  I do not wish to stay depressed all my life because I have to take things a little slower.  Everyone has their own way of doing things and I surely have mind.
    Each day I look around me there is someone that has a new problem added to their pile.  It saddens me that people are not able to look on the brighter side of life.  Everyone has their own hurdles to jump and some maybe a little higher than others but let us rejoice in time of trouble.   It is a struggle to not let the past haunt us but we must keep our thoughts together and organized if we do not want to keep repeating the same mistakes over and over again.
    Even if it is just one person, I pray that my life will be a blessing to someone, somewhere. I hope and pray God will give me the knowledge to learn from my mistakes.  I pray that I will be able to use them as stepping stones and not always keep a chain behind me. I know that these posts are not embellished with all the beautiful designs yest, but I hope that I can use my journal to uplift and encourage someone else to pick up the broken pieces and keep going.


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