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How do you decide the difference between your wants and needs?"

    There are some things that need to be considered when praying.  Prayer is a very important, special time in our lives and should be taken seriously.  When we pray we should be mindful of things that we want and things that we really need.  It is hard to tell the difference sometimes and we should try to separate the two. Things that we need are things like a place to live, clothes to wear, and food to eat.  We need shoes to wear, transportation, and communication.  We do not need the fanciest things in life or the bottom of the line.  We should take into consideration that there are some kids that do not even have those basic necessities.  What I am saying is that we should not be stubborn and always ask for the best but ask God what He wants us to have and be happy with that.
     Webster describes wants as this. " to desire or wish for something.  When we desire more than what we need, we should be careful.  It is okay to want something that is popular but if we do not have the extra money than we do not really " need " it.  It is  sad in a way, that we are not appreciative of the basic necessities.  There are so much that we could live without and could donate or give to some one else.  If you have extra clothes laying about donating them to a local goodwill before you go out and buy some more.  It is not good for clothes to be laying around when someone else could be using them.  By donating the clothes we no longer need, not only are we helping ourselves, we are helping someone else.Remember this if anything else, what goes around comes around, so we might as well be nice.
    Webster also defines need as this, " something that is needed in order to survive, or succeed, or live." Things that we need are obvious.  We have to have them in order to succeed in life.  It may not be clothes or shoes.  I think it depends on the current situation.   Just determine in your heart and mind before you pray and ask God.  It is true that He does want to hear the " little prayers," but always be careful what you prayer for cause prayers sometimes do come true."  We need to really clear our hearts and minds before we decide on what to ask God.
    Now that you have carefully decided the difference between your wants and needs, it is time to talk with God.  Take a special place in you home to seek His face and fervently and you will be heard.  I can not tell you exactly what to pray for or when to pray, you will have to decide that on your own.  I do know that if your heart and mind are in their right places God will hear you. He wants to hear from you and is happy each time you pray.  We are His children and it His delight to answer our prayers. Upon entering your prayer room, just remember to be quiet and really mean what you pray.
    Prayer is a quiet time and we must clear our minds and be specific. In doing so, we will reap great benefits.  Matthew 6: 33 is one of my favorite Scriptures.  According to it reads like this, " But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you." This certain Scripture is a reminder to always keep my mind focused on Hea
ven and it lets me know that this world is not my eternal Home.  So if you are worried the words will not come, next time you pray, try to repeat Matthew 6:33 first. It  will help keep your thoughts organized and really be a new blessing as well.


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