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Showing posts from May, 2015

How do you decide the difference between your wants and needs?"

    There are some things that need to be considered when praying.  Prayer is a very important, special time in our lives and should be taken seriously.  When we pray we should be mindful of things that we want and things that we really need.  It is hard to tell the difference sometimes and we should try to separate the two. Things that we need are things like a place to live, clothes to wear, and food to eat.  We need shoes to wear, transportation, and communication.  We do not need the fanciest things in life or the bottom of the line.  We should take into consideration that there are some kids that do not even have those basic necessities.  What I am saying is that we should not be stubborn and always ask for the best but ask God what He wants us to have and be happy with that.      Webster describes wants as this. " to desire or wish for something.  When we desire more than what we need, we should be careful...

Gonna Let my little Light Shine"

So things did not go as planned, but I did continue to write as much as possible this month.  It has helped broaden my horizon a little and encourage me to keep up with my blog posts on a regular basis.  I enjoy to write and hope you have enjoyed reading my blog this month.  I will definitely continue brushing up on my writing skills but will have to remind myself on a daily basis to brainstorm on subjects that are closest to my heart.      I have to be able to be free when I write anything.  If I do not feel free it will not mean anything to anyone at all.  There is a certain okay" that every writer has to feel before they post something to the world.  It has to really mean something to them, or, it does to me anyway.  I mean, that is the point in writing to begin with, to share your thoughts on a certain subject.  To be able to write is not only a passion it is a way to keep my daily thoughts organized.    ...

painting over the cracks---or not....

   So as I was giving our backdoor a new coat of paint it reminded me of how some Christians are. You see, our dog has scratched off quite a bit of the paint and it looked absolutely terrible.  Well, to me it looked terrible and thought it was time to cover up those scratch marks that he had left.  He likes to come inside when it is storming and rightly so because I do not like to be outside when it is lightning either.  However, due to the excitement of the storm, the scratch marks were left there as a reminder of when he wanted to com inside.nd     Eventually we moved him away from the door because I grow my own herbs.  Fred was knocking them over and knocking the bricks over as well.  It became irritating so we moved him.  He still wants near the door to make more scratches but I will not let him.  He will just keep scratching off the new coat of paint.  That is the thought for this blog post.  Do we really remove...

Blank Pages of Life

  In life there are certain things that we all must face.  The pages must be written by ourselves alone because no one else can tell our stories.  It is kind of like staring at a blank page when you begin an essay or story.  There is nothing more scary than not knowing what is coming next in our lives.  God did not mean for us to walk alone but I believe that is most interesting part of the journey.     A blank page just stares at us screaming out for something to be written on it.  There is nothing like having a problem and not knowing what it is.  If you can imagine with me for a minute.  Take a trip in your mind to a far off place in which you have never been.  Imagine that you are going through a dark tunnel and can not see around you.  The Devil wants to make us think we are alone but there is always light somewhere.      A blank page to a write is sord of like being in a world by yourself not kn...

History Reapeats Itself--

  It has been said many times over and over again that "history repeats itself." It gets old reminding myself that it is okay to make mistakes  It really is okay to make mistakes but it is very important that we learn from our mistakes.  It is true that history does repeat itself but we do not have to purposely keep repeating those same mistakes.  Let us break down the thoughts into little pieces for a minute and you will see what I mean.  When we make mistakes other people see the way we handle them.  We do not need to get upset or mad when we make mistakes because everyone has done something wrong in their lives.      God understands that we are human as well as He understood Adam and Eve were human. God knew that Adam and Even had fallen short but He wanted them to be the ones to confess.  That is what He wants us to do, be able to confess our faults and take responsibility for our own actions.  No one is exempt from tempta...

Beautification Project- Operation Me"

      Did you ever do any landscaping in your yard?  How did it feel when you got that project finished? Of Course ! You had a feeling of completion, the satisfaction of a job well done.  Well, that is the way our Christian walk in life should feel like also.  There is a feeling of satisfaction upon completing a new task or new goal, an awesome kind of feeling comes over us and we want to tell everyone.  When we complete a goal in our Christian life, that same feeling comes over us and we get all excited.  We want to tell everyone who passes by about what God has done for us.        Well, that is the way it should be anyway.  We need to be able to be in a place to let our little line shine for all to see.  There is nothing more rewarding than helping someone else reach their goal, but first we need to make sure the needle is out of our own eyes.  We will never be able to guide someo...

Yard Sale Theory

     It amazes me how people can buy something cheap and use some paint or fabric to make it look original.  People may say why not buy the item new, but refurbishing is fun to a lot of people as well.  It also reminds me of how often problems arise that we alone created.  As odd as it may seem, though, there might be someone else that needs to learn or benefit from our heartaches.  There is always a reason for our troubles but we must be strong enough to hold on to the faith that God gave us.  God may have given us the problem just to see if can re create and make it special.  However, we need to make a  change for God and ourselves not other people.  Inward beauty is what matters to God most of all because on the outside we are just clay molded into a person.       For our own sakes, we need to be able to take that old piece of furniture or clothing a...

Keep Moving Forward with a Smile

     Sometimes I forget to take the trash can down to the end of the driveway for pickup day.  It begins to stink when you leave it in the trash can for so long.  We have other things on our minds and forget to take it down the night before it gets taken away to the landfill. That is how we are spiritually as well.  If we do not take our spiritual trash out it begins to stink in God's nostrils and we will not be able to move forward       He wants us to be able to take our trash out on our own because it is our responsibility not His.  He gave us good common sense to detox our bodies mentally and physically.  If we do not replenish ourselves we will begin to stink because we are not taking care of our selves physically.  It is very important to wash away those impurities so that we will be pleasant smelling to our neighbors and friends.       Often I joke around and ask if I stink when someone sits far away fro...

Keep Everything Writen Down--That would be my advice to the world--

  Even though it is difficult to keep a journal every day, I am finding that it is very important to keep your thoughts jotted down.  It does not matter how fancy or how simple, but keeping things organized is key to having a prosperous journey throughout your life.  Without my schedule, notebook, or checklist, I could not function on a day to day basis. I get so frustrated when things do not go as planned, but can at least see the brighter side of things when I have everything written down.    No one understands what you have in your head and one must realize keeping their thoughts written down and neatly organized will help you be able to relay that information to someone else. We are the only ones who will be able to do this so a simple guideline like a planner or a schedule helps.  I have to keep every little appointment written down or I will absolutely forget about it.      It is so frustrating sometimes when I forget to write a ...

Sometimes You Just Need a Cup of Coffee

         Some things in life you just can not change.  There are people that are going to say things about you that are very rude and hurtful. There is nothing that we can do to change those type of people, we just have to sip on a cup of coffee and read our Bible. To me sitting down with a cup of coffee and reading my Bible is the only com fort that my mind can find.  Not to get technical, but the Book of Psalm are some of my favorite poems ever written.      You may disagree, but Job really knew what it was like to loose everything.  He was alone when he needed his friends the most.  No one was to be found when trouble was involved and all the money was gone.  If we are not on the top of the ladder or have the most cars people tend to look down on us more than someone who has toys to share.     In my opinion it is sad, when people can not look past a disability for just a minute or tw...

Walking on Rocks

     Did you ever wonder how some people really get any good sleep at night? I just imagine them tossing an turning trying to think up of ways to haunt you. Those kind of people are out there.  They are real and they will not stop till they think you are hurt.  It is sad but true.  We just have to keep going and realize that they are only hurting themselves.  Words will hurt you and have hurt me very, very much.  People whom I have thought were good Christian people have said rude, negative things out of the way to me.  It hurts!  We really do have to watch what we say because some people are more sensitive than others.      You know, keeping up with this blog challenge during the month of May has really helped me put my own thoughts in perspective.  I have been more in touch with my surroundings and I have  more confidence to keep my daily chores under control  It is hard when you stay fatigued....

chasing dreams

   This is only seven days into my challenge of writing a post every day, but I am going to finish what I started.  There is nothing worse than defeating yourself from the very beginning.  I find myself doing that quite often now that I am old enough to realize is going on in my little head, I fight harder in order to beat the odds of my condition.     Actually knowing that I have the condition makes me more thankful each day that I have 22q because I would not be me if I had something else.  There are so many things that I would like to say on this blog, but no words could describe what it is like to be in your own little world, without having a leader. I mean I had wonderful leaders, but no one could pin point exactly what was wrong. I am glad however, because if I had known at an early age that I have a syndrome, I probably would not have pushed myself to accomplish what I was able to accomplish.     So many people see what is ...

Exercise for thought

 Walking is a free exercise that we can do anytime of the day.  If you are like me you do not like paying a gym to be able to walk on a treadmill or use their equipment.  I'd rather take a few hours and walk and pick a track nearby.  I also like to walk with video instructors in the comfort of my own home.  Sometimes there are even free exercise classes that you can take at a library or local church.  Just check around and see what you can find.  Whatever you choose to do, whether in a gym or at the park, exercising is very, very important      If there is not a free exercise program in your area, maybe it would be a good idea to get certified and be the first one to start a free exercise program. Going to the gym and working out is very popular right now and having an exercise program through a local church mite be a good ministry to the community.      Bodily exercise is not the only exercise that is importan...

Pulling Weeds

      Do you ever wonder what a garden would be like without having to pull all the weeds? It sure would be nice to be able to just enjoy the flowers. Unfortunately, those sneaky little weeds pop up in various places. You can pour mulch cover them, lay rocks on top of them, or even cover them with dirt, but if we do not kill the weeds they will always come back.       I like to compare weeds to  those sneaky little sins that pop up in our every day life.  Every time I bend down to pull one out, it reminds me of how Jesus died to take away the sins.   No matter how big or small they may be, Jesus' blood will cover them every time, if we only ask.  However, if we do not stop the sins that we are committing, eventually they will tell who we are.  They will pop up when we least expect because we fail to weed them out on a daily basis.        There are different names of ...

Do you ever feel like your thoughts are going to eat you?

     Sometimes it is easy to let our thoughts go wild. Our mind is like a playground to the Devil.  If we let Him,  he will rule our thoughts.  Our thoughts must be under control at all times.  Everyone has their own way of dealing with these "racing thoughts," as some call them.  These racing thoughts make you feel so tired when we let them loose. Which brings me to the central question, " Do you ever feel like your thoughts are going to eat you? Well, do you? What do you do about the situation? Do you go walking, or pick up a good book to read, or put on a good song? What helps you to centralize your thoughts when they go crazy? Am I the only one that ever has a bad day?       If we do not control our thoughts they eventually will eat us because whatever is in our hearts will eventually come out our mouths.  The tongue is something that is very difficult to keep under control to begi...

Gluten Free Me!

       Lately I have been trying a new diet.  A diet that has really helped me in the last few months.  It is really popular so I decided to give the gluten free diet a try.  At first there was no concern for me being allergic to gluten, but I thought that it was not a bad choice to include a more healthy diet. For me there is no substitute for home made bread, well any kind of bread is so delicious so it was difficult for me to give up, but it is definitely worth the effort. I have been getting compliments on how clear my face has been, my fatigue has lessened and I feel so much better during the day.       I do not write this article because it is popular topic, I write this post because cutting down on my gluten has really been a help to me and I want to encourage others to try the diet as well.  My syndrome effects my learning process and I believe that the diet has helped clear my brain fog a little. Now it is no mir...

Does God Ever get tired of the "little" prayers?

   Every day there are so many things that go through my cluttered up tiny little mind. One of those thoughts is about prayer. Praying is a special time between us and God. It should be taken seriously and the action should be done in a secret place as well. However, there are those tiny prayers that I mention sometimes, prayers to help me pass a test or a test of life for that matter. Sometimes it makes me wonder if God gets tired of hearing those little tiny, sometimes silly prayers.   Those little prayers  when we really talk to Him about our smallest needs. God listens to those little whispers as well as the prayers that take hours in our prayer rooms.  To me as long as it is meant from the heart, God will hear every single word. He will hear us when we do not even have the most simple phrases. God sees down inside our souls and knows what we need before we even ask.  I know that metaphor is use over and over again, but it is so true! God loves us and ...

Meaning of Blog TItle

I have challenged myself to write a blog post every day this month. I.t will be a different task for me, but one that obviously must be done, if I wish to continue writing online.  The title of my blog is "Not Writing For Flowers." I chose that name because I do not serve the Lord for my own glory. I only want to be a help when there is a door for me to open.  It has been said, if one does things in order to receive a blessing in return, then the deed would be for ones own glory.  The saying kind of reminds me of the Scribe and Pharisee parable in the Bible.    It is up to us, as Christians, to inspire other people, not to make ourselves shine.  Helping someone else should be our purpose in life, and I want to keep blog up to date and try to write something inspirational every day, or at least as often as I can write. You see, my health condition is a rare syndrome called, "22q." It has been something I have had to deal with on my own because no one knew h...