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Thoughtful Thursday

I've pondered about writing this or not. However, since we are discussing prayer and finding your own Identity in Christ,  I thought it might help encourage someone to pray even over the smallest things.  My husband is a truck driver and keeps odd hours.  I won't say his schedule on here because there are too many creepy people around. I do mean creepy.  Anyway, I have been having some car trouble lately.  For the past few months my vehicle wouldn't pick up speed.
     I took it to two places that I go regular and like my husband, or any man, really, they said, it was, " all in my head."  So I didn't drive it for a while and then I couldn't handle not going shopping so I decided to get out of the house one day, my car started making funny noises.  After I got my chores in town done that day, I scooted" my vehicle on home.  I got almost home and it started making weirder noises.  I thought well, maybe I should take it to the shop again.  I didn't think I was going to make it down the little hill.  I debated on whether to take it on back home.  I prayed and said Lord, help me make it down there.  (It's not that far).  Maybe they can find out what's wrong while it's making these noises.
     The first part of my prayer was answered before I even got to the shop.  One of the neighbors pulled up beside me on the highway and waved.  He said he couldn't tell anything was wrong.  I asked him if he could follow me down there.  He said yeah, he would."  He will never know that he was an answer to a prayer.  I had prayed earlier that God would help me make it down there.  He  sent my neighbor.  I got down to the shop and thanked him.  I never told him about the conversation I had with God earlier.  He will never know.  He doesn't attend church or read my blog.
   The mechanic said he couldn't get my car in till the next morning.  I said ok, "l'll take that appointment."  I scooted my car on back home and the noises started again.  I stopped at the new shop and they said ,' I was crazy. lol, as men do when women are discussing automobiles.  He said there wasn't a thing wrong.  I said,  " drive my vehicle again."  There is something wrong.  The second time,  he said, ma'am'  we can't let you drive home."( lol...)  It's not safe.  So I said well, check it out and see what's wrong.   Anyway, my left caliper had went kapoooy. so I sat there for about 2 hours and let them fix it.  
      The moral of the story is this,  only you know when you need to go to the altar.  Only you know when you need to join a church. Only you know when God is leading you to be a teacher, preacher, or leader.  Only you can ask God for forgiveness.  Everyone else can aid, but they don't know, they don't hear that small whisper that God meant only for you.  So don't depend on anyone else, learn to pray and trust God.  Follow your heart.  Follow your own instincts.


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