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Motivational Monday

How do you start your day?

   I have come to the conclusion that how you start your day is typically how it will end.  Sometimes that is not true, but mostly is.  I see so many with a grumpy face.  It may backfire on me, but these are the ones who I make the most effort in trying to be cheerful.  It really upsets them for some reason.

   No, I'm not extreme about it, but I do wonder how people live without Jesus in their lives. With so much negativity,  How do they get through their day?  They really can't be happy.  I've had some question my happiness.  That's okay too, but did you know that being sad actually makes you age faster?  It's true.

   I always have gotten remarks on how young I look.  It used to bother me, but now I am grateful.  I try to remember that This Too Shall Pass"  and go on with my day.  People aggravate me about not using foul language or going to church but for some reason that just makes me happier to be a Christian.   I'm glad I'm a Christian and I am thankful for the Christians in my life.

  To conclude,  I always need to start my day on a positive note.  I will listen to Christian music, read a Scripture or a good book.  It's important to make time to focus on God on a daily basis.  My quiet time is an important part of the day. 



 And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away. 

Revelation 21:4



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