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Terrific Tuesday

I know prayer can be a peculiar thing.  Prayer doesn't have to be all that difficult.  God like to hear from us whether it's just a whisper or an hour long conversation.  Being kind of a non-verbal child, I understand how it is when trying to build a conversation.  I mean you couldn't tell, now, cause I tend to talk non-stop.  It's like somebody handed me the relay stick and my mouth just keeps going.  But I'm proud I can talk somewhat normal now.  I went 18 years without ever knowing I even had a cleft palate. I knew something was wrong, but we didn't ever know what.
   Upon saying that, God likes to hear from us.  He doesn't need you to write out some long, drawn out prayer card. Some of those are nice but that's not the point here.  God can hear our thoughts, He understands our tears, and He knows how we feel.  We don't have to ask for something every time.  Just saying thank you Lord for my Blessings  is good enough sometimes.  He doesn't like to be overlooked.
  Have you ever been in a conversation and everyone is talking over you like you aren't even sitting there?  How did that feel? I know how I feel when people treat me like I don't understand what is going on.  God feels that same way.  He doesn't want to be left out of your life.  He loves us.  He wants to be included in everything we do.  IF we allow Him, it is a comfort to know He really IS there.  It's a Comfort to know He's there when no one is around to listen to our daily problems.  He loves to hear stuff like that.  Makin time for Him every day has been one of the best things I have ever done.  My husband will even sit and read the Bible with me some days.  God loves when couples pray and read His Word together.
    My point here,  Quiet Time with God doesn't have to be all that extravagant.  It's good to have a fancy, decked out, secret room to pray in, but that's not what it's about either.  It's about having a quiet time, where you go to a special corner by yourself and pray, meditate, and seek out God's plan for you.  It makes everything go so much smoother when you put Him first. It makes finding your purpose and Identity so much plainer.  He will answer you, if we will learn to take time and listen.

  Song--  Whisper a Prayer in the Evening, Whisper a Prayer a Noooon  Whisper a Prayer in the Morning, to keep your heart in tune.

Prayer-- Lord help me set a side a quiet time each day.  My body needs to rest and reflect on Your Plan.  Your Goals are more important than mine and I know you have a Purpose especially for me.

                  The Lord will fulfill his purpose for me; your steadfast love,
          O Lord, endures forever. Do not forsake the work of your hands. Psalm 138:8


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