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Thoughtful Thursday

   Thursday means the week is almost finished. Funny how sometimes you get finished with your goals and some still linger around for the next week.  I am reading a book about Cat Stories that I found at a yard sale.  It is a collection of stories about cats and some happen to be written "by cats," lol.  It's a cute book. It's a thick book but I think I"ll manage to get through it cause it is about cats.  I love all animals but cats have always been my favorite for some reason.

    I think it is because cats just do whatever they want, however, they seem to always be polite about it. Even if it is a negative response they seem to respect their owners, that is, if you hand out treats every time they do that little annoying meow.  It's okay.  I have learned alot from my cats.  When I first brought Sophie home, the second cat,  she loved it, but Anna was kind of territorial at first and still is, but she allows" Sophie to live here.  Well, in fact, she "allows," all of us to live here.  She allows " me to play" with my own yarn and allows me to awake at 7:30 every morning and she has a certain bed-time for all four of us, including my husband.

   Cats have a certain routine.  The story that I am currently reading talks about how cats are constantly washing themselves.   In the short story, " When in Doubt--Wash," it is a cat talking to the other kitties in the house.  She says plainly,  you must be clean at all times.  (paraphrasing) In fact, the very first line reads as follows,  " When in doubt--any kind of doubt--wash!"  If only people could think that way.

Image result for cat licking itself  On the following page it reads a gain,  "  If you have committed any kind of an error and anyone scolds you--wash, " she was saying.  Of course, this is the lead cat talking here.   She explains very well to the younger kittens about respect and to wash"  themselves to be clean of error and any kind of doubt.   I wish people had this kind of respect for each other.  It seems like used to they might have had a little bit more than today, but I believe there are still some kids and younger adults who do have respect, they just need to be praised for it more often.

   There is hope for God's people.  We need to stop trying to point out the mote in someone else's eye and try, like the cat in the story,  to wash ourselves more often.  It is so easy to accuse someone else in order to make ourselves look better.  However, let us try to be a little easier on ourselves and our Christians brothers and sisters.  We might see a better outcome if we but wash ourselves."

Purge me with hyssop, and I shall be clean: wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow. Psalm 51:7



Roger Carras" Treasure of Great Cat Stories  



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