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Motivational Monday

   Friday we spoke about finding your Identity in Christ.  Finding your Identity in Christ is so important.  You must let others know where you stand concerning religion and doctrine.  Stand firm on God's Word and trust Him.  He will make a way for you to conquer your battle of fear and anxiety.  The more people get to know you and how you feel about certain things, the quicker that they can relate to you and your situation.  By doing this, I have learned that you do not have to tell all your business, they will begin to know the basics and not ask as many questions.  Finding your Identity in Christ is important, but finding your own Identity in general is also important.
   Everyone must find their purpose" in life.  I say that so much, but it's true.  Everyone must learn how to spread" their own wings but they also must know how far to spread their wings as well.  It's true that we can do all things through Christ, but sometimes the trouble of it is, is finding what we're good at, finding our niches.  I am trying not to sound too cliché here, but there are certain things a person does better at and that's okay.  We just gotta find that certain thing and as they say,  hoan in on it."  There is nothing in life worse feeling like a tumble weed.  You know those little things that fly around in the dessert, not knowing which way to tumble"  Reminds me of that old song Sons of the Prairie used to sing, " Tumblin' Tumbleweed."
    It's okay to have goals,  make sure you are reaching and accomplishing them before setting new ones.  In life everyone marches to their own beat and no one should have to make excuses for it.  God created us all different for His beauty.  There's a reason that way He made you,  You are beautiful, you are unique, and you are YOU.  Might take you a little longer, to get there, but get there!" Doesn't matter what others say, trust God and if it's His will, He will make  a way for you to accomplish anything.

    The ungodly are not so: but are like the chaff which the wind driveth away.
Psalm 1:4

Prayer-- Lord, please help me to stick to my daily tasks.  It's so easy to let the Devil sway me, but if you keep your arms around me, I know You will give me strength and what it takes to finish each day with a positive outlook and a smile.  In Jesus Name, Amen.



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