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Motivational Monday

Think of ten things that you don't believe you can accomplish.
1. Everyone else is achieving their goals right now....









Now, re script them and say how you can accomplish them.
1. Success doesn't come over night.










You don't have to tell me.....I'm not going to tell you mine./ I have them though.....I did write one example. The thing is, everyone has goals that they would like to accomplish in life, but we won't be able to get to all of them. Nobody will. God still loves us just the same. He knows there will be things in life that we would enjoy doing, but He also knows that we won't be able to accomplish all which is why He gave us the verse Matthew 6:33 which reads as following, " Seek ye first the kingdom of God and all these things shall be added unto you." I have had this verse memorized since high school. It's one of those verses that really stuck out in my mind. God wants us to know that it's ok if we don't reach all our goals here, but to seek Him first and He will be willing to help us. WE have to ask him first though....we have to be willing to walk to the beat of His timing.

Prayer--Thank you Lord, for not letting me fulfill some of the accomplishments that I would have like to complete. It might have not been the right door for me to open in the first place. Help me not keep trying to open doors that You have shut for You have nothing in mind but my well being. In Jesus Sweet Name, Amen.


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