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Be Careful How You Treat Others

   There is a word that I do not like hear voiced in a negative way. That word is "retarded." The word can be offensive when took out of context. As a child, I was the movie Bambi. In the cartoon there is a rabbit named Thumper. Thumper coined the phrase, "If you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all." I have learned to live by that rule, but some people obviously haven't seen the movie.
I understand that some words have to be used to diagnose a person, but please be careful in how you use the term.
   There is nothing more offensive than to be called "retarded," Especially when you only have mild conditions that don't even represent the definition of the word. I have been called retarded, and have heard people use the word without thinking what they were saying. Others are just rude and inconsiderate of other people's feelings. Either way, please think about how you sound when you say something to another person. Would you like to be treated that way? Would you like to be called that word?
   When I grew up, I thought adults would be nicer, but that's not the case. So let's be aware of how our thoughts and word relate to others. It is important that we demonstrate a Christlike life as much as possible. It is not possible to be perfect, but let's be careful how we act toward each other. Our lives is the only Bible some will ever read.



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