Since we have been talking about Finding your Identity in Christ, I think of emotions as well and how being satisfied with your lot in life helps you achieve goals. How one feels greatly depends on their surroundings. It really does! This morning I woke up with the word aroma on my mind. It reminded me how different smells make you feel. Some smells make you happy, some smells make you sad, some smells make even flat out make you angry. That's one reason my Keurig is sitting beside my writing chair. The coffee smells help me wake up because it gives me something to look forward to every morning. If I put the littler box beside my writing chair, it probably wouldn't motivate me very well. That's the way it is with our Heavenly Father. Finding our Identity in Christ, will help us determine how to serve God better. God really doesn't need us because He is the Almighty God, but when we accomplish our goals and give him honor it's like a sweet savor in his nostrils. I don't want to be a broken record, but God delights in His children and wants us to have things. He wants us to be happy so let's be a sweet smelling savor for Him and help bring others into the Kingdom as part of our goals and accomplishments. #happyMonday#beblessed
Prayer-- Lord help me be a sweet savor in your nostrils. Help me find my own Identity so I can help add to Your Kingdom cause even the smallest one is great in Your eyes.
For to God we are the fragrance of Christ among those who are being saved
and among those who are perishing. 2 Corinthians 2:15
#as always#beblessed
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