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Tuesdays are Memory Game Ideas

  Tuesdays are going to tentatively be my day to post about different memory games that are available.  It might be that I have an idea as well.  One idea that seems to help me memorize is to think of a certain melody to go with the words that need memorization.  I have found that in using a catchy melody that I can memorize things better.  It is necessary to memorize lots of things as a student or as an individual because we will not always have a pen and some paper.
   There are different techniques that people like to use but "catchy melodies," are the best way for me to memorize something that needs to stick in my brain.  I like to sing so that is my reason for this technique.  Different people have problems with different things but this is my problem and it is very aggravating sometimes.  I can do it, but it takes a walk around a time or two to get there.  I have realized this and think of different things to master memory.  I have not mastered memory, but then again, I really do not think that anyone has really "mastered" memory, unless you are one of those people who can just look at something once.  Being able to do that is few and far between, but it is good to have goals.
   I like to set little mini goals to be able to reach a real big, fancy goal.  Setting an achievable goal also is an aid in memory.  Keeping things down to a minimum  keeps me from getting overwhelmed. These are things that everyone knows, I am sure, but these are things that need to be remembered from day to day.  I can not stress enough how important it is to keep your mind sharp and keep it working as much as possible.  Play mind games or puzzles to keep it thinking as long as possible.  It is not good to just forget about strengthening you motor skills. Remember, our body is a temple of the Holy Spirit so we must keep our minds sharp as well as our bodies.
   Everyone has their own "tips and tricks," but sometimes it helps to discuss them with each other. I like to research and when something new and interesting comes my way it will be posted on Tuesday.  I am no psychologist and do not came to be one.  Psychology is just a subject that is near and dear to me and I like to study it as much as possible.  I do not claim that everything I post will help everyone has different ideas and opinions and I am okay with that.  Trying out new ideas  is what helps me learn and grow. I hope I can pass what I learn to someone else along the way.
    There are so many studies that have been done and there is no way to cover them all, but what helps me might help someone else and that is the whole idea of have "memory games," for my Tuesday blog posts.  Maybe something I have written will help another person or maybe someone else's idea might help me.  It is fun to collaborate and help find new ways to learn.  By keeping these posts up to date, I hope that I can help inspire at least one person to keep learning and growing..


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