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on writing short stories

.... I am going to try to start posting "short stories" on Wednesdays. It might not be every Wednesday but posting short stories to your blog is a good way to exercise ones writing skills.  Today I went to a used book store and picked up a copy of " Introducing The Short Story."  It is written by Henry I. Christ and Jerome Shostak.  It is a very good introduction to writing short stories.  I have already gained experience on my own and through workshops or classes.
     I am excited about this new journey and want to do anything I can to cultivate my abilities.  This book will be a "good read," and can not wait to learn more writing skills.  I want to attend more workshops and conferences as well, but in the mean time, on my own, I like to read books like this one.  On page two the book starts with explaining the elements of writing a plot and then follows with an example. 
    Later on in the book there is a section that explains how to actually" what the listener is reading.  , As a writer, being able to get a title or subject across to your audience is the most important thing in writing a book. Connecting to the reader is the only reason an author has for writing an article or story so writing with colorful words to describe a place or character is key.
   On page 584 of "Introducing Short Stories,"  Christ and Shostok teaches you how to think critically while reading. One question asks you to compare the strengths and weaknesses of each character.  I think being able to describe the personality of the characters is an important technique to gain as a reader. 
     I am learning new skills every day and want to help others learn as well.  Being able to write is something everyone does not have naturally.  I know that feeling because writing is something that the individual has to work on as a person.  With writing, you have to be willing to learn something new everyday.  With writing, you also have to be loving and willing to pass on your skills to someone else. I hope to be that writer.  

I also added my affiliate link to this book in my astore if you are interested in purchasing it.


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