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Showing posts from September, 2015

Tuesday Memory Tricks

  1.  Try to always keep things in the same place.   2.  Label baskets and keep items organized.   3.  Get some kind of tracking device for your keys.   4.  Keep a dry erase board of notes for that day to track yourself.   5.  Keep lists and stick to them.   6.   Make post-it notes in you notebook or journal.   7.   Tell someone where you are going so you can retrace your steps later.     8.    Record your notes on your cellphone so you will always have them with you. (cellphones never stay home).   9.    Keep a post-it note in your vehicle to remind you where you are suppose to go that day.   10.   Always keep you gps turned on so if you get disoriented or need to regroup, you will have an idea of where you are on the map.        These might seem silly, but they help me keep myself on track each day. My days are much smoother and fl...

Motivational Monday--not so motivated

I have not been very motivational today.  However, I want to leave you a quote coined by Confucius to close out the day.    It is as following, “ Wherever you go, go with all your heart .” – Confucius   It does not matter what others say about your journey.   As long  God is the leader of the plan everything will be there for you on time, every time.  As a Christ follower, " I believe that God will supply our needs if we listen to Him.  Having the confirmation that God even feeds the little sparrow, I know He will take care of His children. Hope you have a wonderful week.


I found these scrapbooking magazines at the church rummage sale today!  Scrapbooking magazines for 50 Cents a piece / in great condition.  I love finds like these! #happyfriday  

Facebook Ads

   Trying to figure out how to do Facebook Ads.  I watched a couple of youtube videos and am impressed.  I shall be looking further into this new adventure. Well, I guess it is a new adventure to me.  I have not been associated with affiliate marketing for very long and am overwhelmed with all the lovely information that I have been gathering.  I hope that I can do well with it and be of help to someone else as well.  I will let you know more about it a little along.  In the meantime, I have a 7 month old kitten and a 8 week old kitten to calm down for their bedtime.  I will show you pictures of those later.  They both were given to me and I love them both.  They are so cute.  Alrighty.  I do not have much to write tonight cause I got to figure out more about the Facebook ads and a new company I found out about called IZEA.  I also got some yardsales to attend tomorrow as well.  I hope I find some good books to r...

Tuesday Memory Tricks

   One of the most common tricks that people use, I think, are graphs.  Graphs help one categorize  thoughts in a way that you can remember them.  When I think of graphs, I mean actually writing down words to help memorize better.  Sometimes I like to turn a piece of paper sideways and make three columns.  I then will try to summarize the basic subject of what I am trying to memorize. l It is more difficult to study like this but the end results come out better for me.      Each person has their own way of memorizing and learning.  These are just a few that have helped me along the way.  Another technique is to read the words out loud so that your brain can be more focused on one subject than many at a time.  I get distracted more easily than some so I have tried many things to help manage my study habits.  Even though it is easy to become disheartened  I am not ashamed in the least.    ...

The Power of ONE

  The Power of One One song can spark a moment One flower can wake the dream. One tree can start a forest. One bird can herald spring. One smile begins a friendship, One handclasp lifts a soul, One star can guide a ship at sea, One word can frame the goal. One vote can change nation, One sunbeam lights a room. One candle wipes out darkness, One laugh will conquer gloom. One step must start each journey, One word must start each prayer. One hope will raise our spirits, One touch can show you care. One voice can speak with wisdom, One life can make a difference, You see, IT'S UP TO YOU!  Author Unknown I do not know who wrote this poem, but it is powerful! I love this poem because it compares how much the first start is important. I think it is very emotional and inspirational.   I love how the author starts out describing Mother Nature and the moves along to say that it is up to us to speak one word.  See God spoke the world into exi...

for Thursday

s   I have been reviewing products for a while now.  I usually try to pick items that I actually want to use on a day to day basis.  Excitingly, this is one of the recent items I earned in exchange for an honest", unbiased", opinion.  My opinion is that it is "awesome!"     I will use this bag every time I go to the gym to workout.  Of course, my definition of "working out," is not the same as everyone else's definition yet, but I am stepping  higher each time.  Having fancy gym attire is not required, but definitely very, very helpful.    I am sure that people will eventually get tired of hearing about this bag, I am proud to own it.  I would have paid the full amount for this bag.  It has many, many pockets and a place for your water bottle as well.  It not only can be used as a gym bag, but as a travel bag also.  I love the length of the shoulder strap.  The best part about the shoulder strap is...

on writing short stories

.... I am going to try to start posting "short stories" on Wednesdays. It might not be every Wednesday but posting short stories to your blog is a good way to exercise ones writing skills.  Today I went to a used book store and picked up a copy of " Introducing The Short Story."  It is written by Henry I. Christ and Jerome Shostak.  It is a very good introduction to writing short stories.  I have already gained experience on my own and through workshops or classes.      I am excited about this new journey and want to do anything I can to cultivate my abilities.  This book will be a "good read," and can not wait to learn more writing skills.  I want to attend more workshops and conferences as well, but in the mean time, on my own, I like to read books like this one.  On page two the book starts with explaining the elements of writing a plot and then follows with an example.      Later on in the book there is a s...

organizational tip for the day

o    This is a travel case.  It is big enough to put my journaling Bible on one side and my notebook and ipad in the other side.  These items can now safely travel with me each day. I am going use them every day from now till forever.  Time Management is an every day issue for me.  However, I keep learning how to incorporate new tricks each time I make a mistake.  Keeping a planner makes things much easier and smoother for your day.    #22q#beblessed
          Evening   Written By Victoria Mary Sackville-West       When little lights in little ports come out,     Quivering down through water with the stars,     And all the fishing fleet of slender spars     Range at their moorings, veer with tide about;     When race of wind is stilled and sails are furled,     And underneath our single riding-light     The curve of black-ribbed deck gleams palely white,     And slumbrous waters pool a slumbrous world;      Then, and then only, have I thought how sweet     Old age might sink upon a windy youth,     Quiet beneath the riding-light of truth,     Weathered through storms, and gracious in retreat. This is a lovely description of ...
At first I thought these coloring books were just coloring books until I ordered one..The above picture is one that I colored and will post more pictures later.  I think these coloring books for adults are awesome! The purchase link is listed in the comments below.  It will take you straight to amazon. I highly recommend these coloring books!

Poem-Don't Quit

When things go wrong, as they sometimes will, When the road you're trudging seems all uphill, When the funds are low and the debts are high, And you want to smile, but you have to sigh, When care is pressing you down a bit- Rest if you must, but don't you quit. Life is queer with its twists and turns, As every one of us sometimes learns, And many a fellow turns about When he might have won had he stuck it out. Don't give up though the pace seems slow - You may succeed with another blow. Often the goal is nearer than It seems to a faint and faltering man; Often the struggler has given up Whe he might have captured the victor's cup; And he learned too late when the night came down, How close he was to the golden crown. Success is failure turned inside out - The silver tint in the clouds of doubt, And you never can tell how close you are, It might be near when it seems afar; So stick to the fight when you're hardest hit - It...

Thursday--Clean Up Day--

Thursday will be my "Clean Up Day"   ....course, every day should be a clean up day.  There is not one person who can say they never made a mistake.  There is not one person that has done something that they could wipe away. God understands that we are going to need forgiveness once in a while.  I do not mean to keep reiterating on that subject but God is one of love and forgiveness and that is sometimes forgotten.  We are all human and He realized that from the very moment He created the world.         However, i t is easy to keep the past in front of us and to always remember the bad times in our lives.  God did not intend for us to worry all the time.  He wants us to be happy and He wants us to be successful.  Sometimes that theory gets reversed.  People, and I am included in that phrase, want to blame God for their problems and horrible accidents but that is not the way it was meant to be.       ...

Tuesdays are Memory Game Ideas

  Tuesdays are going to tentatively be my day to post about different memory games that are available.  It might be that I have an idea as well.  One idea that seems to help me memorize is to think of a certain melody to go with the words that need memorization.  I have found that in using a catchy melody that I can memorize things better.  It is necessary to memorize lots of things as a student or as an individual because we will not always have a pen and some paper.    There are different techniques that people like to use but "catchy melodies," are the best way for me to memorize something that needs to stick in my brain.  I like to sing so that is my reason for this technique.  Different people have problems with different things but this is my problem and it is very aggravating sometimes.  I can do it, but it takes a walk around a time or two to get there.  I have realized this and think of different things to master memory. ...