It is so frustrating to find work these days. It seems like people discriminate over the smallest issues. It's not fair in some ways for people who desire to work. It seems like they are the ones who can't find a job anywhere. Things seem backward. It is discouraging when you walk away from an interview thinking you have got the job, and a week later you receive a denial letter in the mail. What is one to do when you need extra income? Find ways to work at home, make your own schedule, and get customers to come to you, seem like the obvious answer, but is it?
It is difficult to find online work as well as in a public place, especially if you have a minor setback that is only visible to those who look deep enough. When you start your own business, then you invite people in your own home, however the case maybe. There is no simple solution to the question mentioned above. Some say the answer is to go get a degree in the field you wish to work. Then you have another problem, where will you get the money to go back to school, or to even go to school? Some people are still paying of their college debt and will always be paying it off in some form or fashion. It is really not fair either way. If you have a degree, will the debt ever be paid off, will you actually make a profit from the degree you earned? If you do not have a degree, then you will not be educated enough. So what is the answer to job loss? What is the answer to education?
There is no real rhyme or reason why one could not be hired to work in a factory, unless you have too much education, then you will be denied because of the very fact you are over qualified. If you do not have some form of qualification you can't be hired at all. Sooner or later something has to give. It doesn't make any sense. Once get a little ways up the ladder, one always falls back a step or two. Will the answer always be hidden or was it there all along. Does it really matter who you know or who you are? Connections always seem to have a major role in the task of job seeking. So knowing someone must matter in some cases. However, if you know no one at all and have the skills to help the company advance, how do you get your name out there, if they won't listen?
Working at home may or may not be a solution to many, but it will allow one to gain experience and skills in order to perform a task outside the home. If one can find freelance work in the field he or she wishes to work in, twill hat will allow one to have a step up above everyone else, or will it be a down fall? It seems that one must have skills and education in order to succeed in the world, but you must also have good communication skills as well. There is nothing more discouraging going into an interview knowing someone else will get the job, based on the long life relationship with the employer, but I guess that is how it works in society. ---Never let it rest till your good is your better and your better is your best--
It is difficult to find online work as well as in a public place, especially if you have a minor setback that is only visible to those who look deep enough. When you start your own business, then you invite people in your own home, however the case maybe. There is no simple solution to the question mentioned above. Some say the answer is to go get a degree in the field you wish to work. Then you have another problem, where will you get the money to go back to school, or to even go to school? Some people are still paying of their college debt and will always be paying it off in some form or fashion. It is really not fair either way. If you have a degree, will the debt ever be paid off, will you actually make a profit from the degree you earned? If you do not have a degree, then you will not be educated enough. So what is the answer to job loss? What is the answer to education?
There is no real rhyme or reason why one could not be hired to work in a factory, unless you have too much education, then you will be denied because of the very fact you are over qualified. If you do not have some form of qualification you can't be hired at all. Sooner or later something has to give. It doesn't make any sense. Once get a little ways up the ladder, one always falls back a step or two. Will the answer always be hidden or was it there all along. Does it really matter who you know or who you are? Connections always seem to have a major role in the task of job seeking. So knowing someone must matter in some cases. However, if you know no one at all and have the skills to help the company advance, how do you get your name out there, if they won't listen?
Working at home may or may not be a solution to many, but it will allow one to gain experience and skills in order to perform a task outside the home. If one can find freelance work in the field he or she wishes to work in, twill hat will allow one to have a step up above everyone else, or will it be a down fall? It seems that one must have skills and education in order to succeed in the world, but you must also have good communication skills as well. There is nothing more discouraging going into an interview knowing someone else will get the job, based on the long life relationship with the employer, but I guess that is how it works in society. ---Never let it rest till your good is your better and your better is your best--
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