Sometimes you just need go shopping, lol, So today I went to get my haircut to help my week get off to a good start. I really don't like going to the beauty shop because you have usually have to pay $15 or higher. And don't mention to me about Great Clips, lol, I will not go there anymore. That's another story in itself. Anyways, I got about 1 1/2 cut off this time and it feels a little lighter and bouncier. A good haircut will make you feel a little happier.
Then I went to Dunkin Donuts and to a local store called, Bargain Hunt. I found a storage bin for $15 and a set of oil paints for $8! I was so excited. Now I get to pretend I'm on the Bob Ross show. I can't exactly pretend I'm Bob Ross, so I 'll just say pretend like I'm on the show. Oh well, What do you do on Mondays to get Motivated for the upcoming week?
You don't have to answer here, but sometimes just doing something nice for yourself will help you feel better. You don't have to have anyone else to help you feel motivated, it's really up to us. I keep thinking about those little birds on our front porch. I see the babies flying around every once in a while, and can't help to think I got to help raise them. :) :) :)
Anyways I hope you have a great week !!
Is This the Place?
If this is not a place where tears are understood?
Where do I go to cry?
If this is not a place where my spirit can take wing--
where do I go to fly?
If this is not a place where my questions can be asked--
where do I go to seek?
If this is not a place where my feelings can be heard--
Where do I go to speak?
If this is not a place where you can accept me as I am--
Where do I go to be?
If this is not a place where I try and learn and grow--
Where do I go to be me?
Ken Medema
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