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Susannah's Blessing

   As Susannah packed her bags, she kept gazing back and forth at the beautiful ocean that God had created.  She kept pondering about the abundance of love that was put into that big, blue, wonderful creation.   Each little wave was made with it's very own uniqueness.  Each time one of the waves would fold over, something different would happen,  a different sound, a different look.   It reminded Susannah of how different each person was.  Like the waves of the ocean, God made each person a little different for a reason.
   There are different types of people and each person was made with their own wonderful uniqueness.  Some people were made to be very short, some people were made to be very, very tall.  It is not because God loved another human being anymore than the other one, but because God had a certain reason for each plan.  It is difficult for us, as humans, to see the reason, but there is a reason you are the way you are and a reason for the way I am made.  We were made for God's glory.  We were made to be pleasing to His eyes.
   As Susannah gazed back through the hotel window at the wonderful Creation one last time, she kept going over the same thought in her mind.  "Isn't it wonderful that we were all made different" she kept thinking.  "If all the waves were the same, the ocean would not be as unique as picturesque."
While in the middle of that thought, her cellphone buzzed. It was one of the crazy aps that Susannah was sure kept her connected to the, "outside world."  What a way to ruin a good "God-moment." Susannah zipped her suitcase and got the room key, clutched onto the door knob and closed the door.
   Waking down the stair probably would not the best idea, with so much on her mind at the time, she probably would begin to roll down the stairs instead. Those steep stairs just did not seem feasible, so Susannah walked towards the elevator.  As she was getting on, there was an older man dressed in a nice suit making his way to her old room.  He must have seen that Susannah was in a daze and confused. The preacher reached in his front shirt pocket and pulled out a little card.  He told her to smile.  " Cheer up, he said while reading the card aloud.. He knew that verse by heart. For the verse read as following, " This is the day that the Lord hath made, I will rejoice and be glad in it."  It was taken from the Book of Psalm,  Psalm 118:24, to be exact. A verse of encouragement, indeed.
     From now on, Susannah determined in herself, that she was going to be more upbeat.  She was going to be more willing to share a smile, or a nice greeting to someone passing by.  Just like the little preacher man gave her a word of encouragement, she wanted to do the same for someone else.  Of course, there would be times when she would be still discouraged, but that little gesture really made Susannah think.  It made her realize that God wanted all His children to be happy. If the preacher had not given her the Bible verse, Susannah would still be in a sad mood, still anxious about getting everything perfect.  While perfection should be our goals, God understands if we can't reach everyone.

  Todays thought:  You never know what someone else may be going through so, "Be careful" about how you carry yourself.  You and I  may be the only Bible some people ever read so let us be mindful of others as we go through the day.

                                                                                                        ~Jennifer Knight Bales~


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