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New Years Resolution

I have been trying so hard this year to keep a journal of everything I do.  It is very easy to get off track and let the Devil convince us to focus on negative thoughts.  I want to keep my blog update on a daily basis but so far it has only been a weekly thing.  I want to be steady with my blog entries and keep my readers interested in what I have to say.  I want to focus on healthy eating, spiritually and physically.  I want to focus on exercising more and  also on meditating to keep our minds clear of any selfish thought that might slip through unexpectedly.  I think those are very reasonable goals.  I want to focus on being financially fit as well because the Bible says to do so.
   God wants to be there for us, but He also expects us to take care of ourselves first and foremost.  Whatever we can not do, He said He would meet us in the middle.  I want to be an encouragement to others that might need a little stepping stone along the way.  I do not stay upbeat all the time, no one does, but if I can be a little light, that I want to be a help to someone.  I know times are difficult and it is easy to get in a depressed state of mind, but God wants us to encourage each other along the way.
   We need to be a help to our Christian brothers and sisters.  It is easy to point a finger towards someone else when we are on the mountain, but instead, why don't we help lift each others spirits.  It is more easy to push someone further in the mud, but let us be a servant to those in need.  As the old hymn says, " I want my life to be a light shinning out through the night. " I do not want to stay in a slum and depressed cause something did not go my way.  I have a health condition but I am not going to let it have me.  That is my testimony to others.  Just because we might have life a little harder than others does not mean God hates us.  It might mean He is saving us from something worse. I hope you set goals and reach them.  Hope you have an awesome #New Year.

Isaiah 43:18-19New International Version (NIV)
18 “Forget the former things;
    do not dwell on the past.
19 See, I am doing a new thing!
    Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?
I am making a way in the wilderness
    and streams in the wasteland.


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