Why is it so easy for us to get off track in our daily walks with the Lord? That question is not so easily answered. There are so many things that look like they are from God. Sometimes we think they are from God but it is really our own way of thinking. We all have our own demons and can let them distract us in so many ways. Those ways can be our jobs, hobbies, or just anything that the Devil can use as a tool to keep us from traveling our journeys. There are different things that each person is called to do in life. There are things that we, as individuals want to do. Lastly, there are things that are way off track. We need to keep track of what we do every day, whether it be writing with a pen or paper, computer, or simply just going over it our minds.
There are several ways that we can tell when we are on the right track with God. The best way to tell is when things simply just fall in their place. I always like to pray and ask God for guidance. I ask Him to keep all the negative away and keep me focused on the right way. It is easy to think that our way is God's way, that is no secret. For example, with work, sometimes we want to push ourselves ahead so we can get that extra pay or that extra bonus. It is then that we need to stop and ask ourselves if it truly is from God. Some things just look pleasing to us, but if we have to take things in our own hands it might not be the right way.
We can tell when God is trying to tell us something if we only pay attention to Him. It is difficult just to wait on Him to answer our prayers. Sometimes He tells us no, but He always knows better. In Ephesians 1:4 it says the following, "According as he hath chosen us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before him in love." You see God has a plan for all His children. It is for us to prosper, learn, and grow. Above all else, our sole purpose is to glorify Him! So there is no reason to think that we do not have a purpose in life. If we were created to glorify God, then He would not have left us alone. When we put our focus on Him, it will be clear to see our life's mission. We may not be called to go to the mission field, or to be a teacher, or to be a preacher, but there is always a work to do in His field. We may just be here to pray for someone. We may be put here to be a reflection for someone who is depressed and lonely. God does not leave His children hanging. He always give a light and He said that He would always take care of us if we do our little part.
However, doing "our" little part is what we need to remember to do. If we do our little part, God will meet us and do His big" part. We need to educate ourselves and continue to grow. If we just sit down and expect God to do it all, well then things will be a little harder for us. He will always love us, no matter what, but it is up to us to take that extra step. With that in mind, I rest assure that God does have a certain plan for me. A plan that is unique and that is onlymeant for me and no one else. It is our jobs to keep a positive attitude and prayer life, then we will be more aware of what God really does have for our lives.
There are several ways that we can tell when we are on the right track with God. The best way to tell is when things simply just fall in their place. I always like to pray and ask God for guidance. I ask Him to keep all the negative away and keep me focused on the right way. It is easy to think that our way is God's way, that is no secret. For example, with work, sometimes we want to push ourselves ahead so we can get that extra pay or that extra bonus. It is then that we need to stop and ask ourselves if it truly is from God. Some things just look pleasing to us, but if we have to take things in our own hands it might not be the right way.
We can tell when God is trying to tell us something if we only pay attention to Him. It is difficult just to wait on Him to answer our prayers. Sometimes He tells us no, but He always knows better. In Ephesians 1:4 it says the following, "According as he hath chosen us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before him in love." You see God has a plan for all His children. It is for us to prosper, learn, and grow. Above all else, our sole purpose is to glorify Him! So there is no reason to think that we do not have a purpose in life. If we were created to glorify God, then He would not have left us alone. When we put our focus on Him, it will be clear to see our life's mission. We may not be called to go to the mission field, or to be a teacher, or to be a preacher, but there is always a work to do in His field. We may just be here to pray for someone. We may be put here to be a reflection for someone who is depressed and lonely. God does not leave His children hanging. He always give a light and He said that He would always take care of us if we do our little part.
However, doing "our" little part is what we need to remember to do. If we do our little part, God will meet us and do His big" part. We need to educate ourselves and continue to grow. If we just sit down and expect God to do it all, well then things will be a little harder for us. He will always love us, no matter what, but it is up to us to take that extra step. With that in mind, I rest assure that God does have a certain plan for me. A plan that is unique and that is onlymeant for me and no one else. It is our jobs to keep a positive attitude and prayer life, then we will be more aware of what God really does have for our lives.
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