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Showing posts from July, 2017

Motivational Monday

   In my book, there is nothing worse than having someone tell you you can't sing well enough, or you can't play piano well enough to be on our team....  What does God say about that though?  He says to study and shew thyself worthy." Right?  He says make a Joyful" noise.  I am so thankful that it does not say, "perfect noise."     There are some people though, that think they are crème de' la crème....the cream of the crop.  My mission is to break that cycle of thinking within the Christian body anyways.  It seems like church people can be the worst to criticize each others talents.  I have never been able to understand that.  Don't get me wrong, I love going to church and being with my Christian family, otherwise I would not blog about it.     I am thankful that He gave me a chance and has mercy, that's who I sing and play for.. to praise God.  I try to just close my eyes and pretend no one else i...

Fantasitc Friday

I need a much more Professional way to display my crochet items, but for now, here is my first , lil' sweetie dress.  I'm thinking of donating some to missions projects.                                         15  And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world,                                                   and preach the gospel to every creature.                                                                            Mark 16:15                                 ...

Thoughtful Thursday

Off Balance There are days it seems I have Too much upon my plate. Whether this is good or not Is up for some debate. On the plus side, it feels fine To hustle and keep busy; But the negative is that I’m often in a tizzy. Running ‘round with chores to do And friends to meet is great. Sometimes with so many plans It’s hard to keep them straight. Other times, though, when I check, My calendar is bare. Then I wonder why it is I’ve so much time to spare. It’s rare, in life, to balance Purpose, flow and relaxation, Unless you’ve left it all behind And gone on a vacation! Copyright © ilene bauer | Year Posted 2012 27  Consider the lilies how they grow: they toil not, they spin not; and yet I say unto you, that Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these."  Luke 12:27

Watercolor Wednesday

In a lonely place, by Stephen Crane In a lonely place, I encountered a sage Who sat, all still, Regarding a newspaper. He accosted me: "Sir, what is this?" Then I saw that I was greater, Aye, greater than this sage. I answered him at once, "Old, old man, it is the wisdom of the age." The sage looked upon me with admiration.

Motivational Monday

Jesus began all things with prayer. Obviously Prayer is an important essential day to day task in all our lives.  We were watching a moving last night, and this character that didn't even attend church anywhere,  agreed that praying, if anything else, made him feel better.    In yoga,  there is an exercise where you lift your head above your heart.  This is proven scientifically to help oxygen flow properly.  God designed our bodies in order to worship Him.  So praying is one of those tools He gave us to be able to talk with Him.  If we need something, praying is how we need to ask God to help us.   He wants us to talk to Him everyday, He enjoys hearing from us all the time, no matter how big or small.  Praying is merely a conversation between us and God.  Just talk normally when you pray.  He will listen.  35  And in the morning, rising up a great while before day, he went out, and departed ...


Recently I got a ball winder and a swift.  I honestly do not know where I have been without these two items. The ball winder and the swift can be purchased on amazon. ( My affiliate links are listed below in the comments.)  The ball on the left side is what my handiwork used to look like and the ball on the right is what they look like now.  I am so thankful that I have these two items. The analogy reminds me of how God works in our lives as well.   He gives us the tools so we can look all nice and neat for Him, we just have to be willing to use them.  Hope you have an awesome weekend ! and as always #BeBlessed!

Watercolor Wednesday

Why God made friends Author Unkown God made the world with a heart full of love, Then He looked down from Heaven above, And saw that we all need a helping hand, Someone to share with, who'll understand. He made special people to see us through The glad times and the sad times, too; A person on whom we can always depend, Someone we can call a friend. God made friends so we'll carry a part Of His perfect love in all our hearts.

Motivational Monday

               Sometimes you just need go shopping, lol,   So today I went to get my haircut to help my week get off to a good start.  I really don't like going to the beauty shop because you have usually have to pay $15 or higher.  And don't mention to me about Great Clips, lol, I will not go there anymore.  That's    another story in itself. Anyways, I got about 1 1/2 cut off this time and it feels a little lighter and bouncier.  A good haircut will make you feel a little happier.    Then I went to Dunkin Donuts and to a local store called, Bargain Hunt.  I found a storage bin for $15 and a set of oil paints for $8! I was so excited.  Now I get to pretend I'm on the Bob Ross show.  I can't exactly pretend I'm Bob Ross, so I 'll just say pretend like I'm on the show.  Oh well,   What do you do on Mondays to get Motivated f...


   Some may say that I like to brag and that's okay, let them....  I am kind of proud of what I can and am able to accomplish in life.  22q makes it hard to cope sometimes and you must do what you can to rise above it.    That's okay too, God has a plan and a purpose, there might be someone out there that only you can shine a light for, that only you can have that special word, or special kind of hope they need.  You never know the reasons for problems in our life, but that's okay too,  He might be keeping us from something much worse.     God said that He would never give us a burden that we could not carry.   He would always give us enough strength to get us through each trial.    And you know...I have never been through anything that I could not handle.  So, " in the morning when I rise, give me Jesus! "   And I will come down and talk with thee there: and I will take of the spirit wh...

WaterColor Wednesday

“To make myself understood and to diminish the distance between us, I called out: “I am an evening  cloud too.” They stopped still, evidently taking a good look at me. Then they stretched towards me their  fine, transparent, rosy wings. That is how evening clouds greet each other. They had recognized me.”         ―  Rainer Maria Rilke ,  Stories of God: A New Translation                                                                JKB 17 Anxiety in a man's heart weighs him down, but a good word makes him glad.  Proverbs 12:25

Motivational Monday

    I suppose I am good at setting goals.  Sometimes though,  I set my goals way too high.  Being specific with your goal plays a big part in fulfilling them.  You can set goals , but setting too many or setting a goal that is unrealistically unachievable is going to be a problem down the road.  It does not hurt to set a long-term, but make sure you know the milestones it takes to get there.  Even then though, God is at the end of the tunnel, He is there on the other side of the forrest.  (The forrest that we create for ourselves)  you know, the one where the trees get in the way?  So Go ! set those goals for this week!!  Remember, God's got you !  and I will pray for you to reach every one of the goals you set.                                  ...

Thoughtful Thinking Thursday

Did you ever see a cat chase a laser.   I play with my kitties all the time.  They like a laser because it moves around.  They do not know where  or why but they chase it for the sheer fact that it moves.  It' is kind of humerous but they don't know any better.  I love my cats because they know where the light is coming from and it is up to me to guide them.  Sometimes, I find myself in that kind of shape, needing a guiding light.   It is tough to stay focused on the goal, but if Jesus holds our hand every day, we will not loose sight of the ultimate goal.  5 ways to keep focused 1.   Pray every morning.  Whether it is with your spouse, friend, or by yourself, make a point to talk to God every day.   He will not know your needs if you do not ask. 2.  Make a list the night before.  Making a list the night before will help your tasks for the next day bemore realistic. 3.  Stay around ...

Motivational Monday

                           Out on the Sea     What helps me to keep motivated is reading biographies of people who have overcome their fears.  One story that showed up on my homepage was a story about a young girl who was orphaned at sea.    Her family had planned on going on this vacation for quite some time.  They saved enough money and were planning on making sea life long term.  However,  there were some others on the boat as well,  Terri Jo Duperrault's family was murdered while on their vacation and Terri was able to escape.       Terri was able to jump out of the boat and was able to escape the terrible tragedy.  By faith,  Terri was able to survive four days on the water without food or drink.  Another ship passed by and the captain was able to rescue he...