Why is it so easy for us to get off track in our daily walks with the Lord? That question is not so easily answered. There are so many things that look like they are from God. Sometimes we think they are from God but it is really our own way of thinking. We all have our own demons and can let them distract us in so many ways. Those ways can be our jobs, hobbies, or just anything that the Devil can use as a tool to keep us from traveling our journeys. There are different things that each person is called to do in life. There are things that we, as individuals want to do. Lastly, there are things that are way off track. We need to keep track of what we do every day, whether it be writing with a pen or paper, computer, or simply just going over it our minds. There are several ways that we can tell when we are on the right track with God. The best way to tell is when things simply just fall in their place. I always...