It has been so long since I have posted anything on blogger. I have not found any good challenges and have been really busy with some other new chores. Writing is something I love doing and do not want to write anything unless I know that it is something that might be worth reading. I love to write and do not want to make it something I feel like I have to do, only something as a hobby. I have always enjoyed writing and will always keep posting. There is one thing that I found that keeps sticking in my head and it is the post that is pasted above. It says the following words, "That kill me moment when you think you're done with the dishes and you turn around and see those pots on the stove."
Well, it is kind of like that spiritually as well. God's work is never done. There is always something that we can be doing for Him. It may not be a big, in the spotlight, kinda job, but there is always some kind of little task that might be a blessing to someone else in a big kind of way. That may no be the proper phrasing of a sentence, but I think you get what I am trying to say. I also heard a message on the radio one day. The preacher was talking about the same topic. He was saying how much a simple hello could be all another person needs.
We never know by the look on someone's face what they are going through as a whole. They may never say it verbally either. Sometimes all a person might need is a simple pat on the back, or a firm hand shake to able to confirm everything is alright. Everyone handles situations differently. You never know what a blessing something as simple as the word, " hi" can be. If you feel God is simply asking you to just smile at a person, then go ahead, smile! It may be what they needed to get them through the day.
There is nothing too simple a task. It may seem silly or far fetched to us, but if God is telling you to do it, do it. God can use any situation to be a blessing to someone in need. I know sometimes just the simple question, " How have you been today?" is all I need to help me feel better on a bad day. It does not matter what task we have there is always something else that we could be doing, something else that we could clean up, or something else we could do to better ourselves.
Whatever the case may be, we must not sit down and quit. God has a special plan for each of His children. We must not compare, and we must not race each other to get to the goal. Of course, we must reach our goals, but we all have different paces and we all have different plans. God knows what each of those plans are because He is the One that formed us. He knows just exactly how to get us moving towards that goal as well. He knows us better that we know ourselves, I can not stress that fact enough. I love the special way that He forms each one of us into our own molds. I never want to stop working for Him and I never want to just sit down and quit. Hope this was a blessing and encouragement to you as well because there is always another pot that can be washed, we just need to find the faith to keep organized and keep going no matter how fast the pace.
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