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Showing posts from April, 2015

Patience, Strength, and Hope!

Yay! I have a new kitten! She is so cute and soft. However, she is biting and scratching my hands all up at the moment.  Someone abandoned her little family. They were really not old enough to be taken away from their momma, but we had been looking for a kitten and God sent us this one. She reminds me of how the Devil can be though, He comes as a cute little kitten but can be a vicious as an angry lion.     There is nothing worse than fresh scratches on your skin. A kitten can look cute, but their claws can hurt badly. I still love her and will keep her fed, watered, and entertained, but her claws hurt! We need to be careful in reality just the same, cause something can look cute as a kitten but really be the Devil in disguise. Most people have Satan pictured as a red animal with horns and a pitchfork, but the truth is, that He is everything we ever wanted.     Every dream, every lustful wish, every boastful thought was put there by Sa...