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Showing posts from February, 2015

Making the Best of Depression

   When there is a lot of snow on the ground, it is so easy for the Devil to move in and speak the word " Depression" in your ear.  Being depressed is no fun and there are definitely  so many excuses that you can use in a winter storm.  The Devil will really use your mind as a playground so keep busy.  Clean your house, read a book, learn to crotchet.      Keep your mind moving as best you can if you do not wish to be depressed.  It is very easy to think negatively when you are stuck in the house all day long.  Whether you are by yourself or have a bigger family and going  stir crazy, don't let the Devil have even an inch of your mind. Believe me, He will do His best to put silly thoughts in your mind to get you all out of shape.      Now would be a good time to start some kind of a journal. Journaling is a good way to jot down your positive thoughts. When one keeps a journal, you can l...